My Reading List

Shoshana Weissmann
5 min readMay 26, 2017


In large part because I love tweeting thoughtful passages from books I’m reading, many have asked me for my reading list. Below is a small portion of books I’ve read and am planning to read, broken down by topic (and twitter handle added for some). My scholarly paper/SSRN reading list is at the very bottom. These are my favorites/ones I expect to be my favorite.


Regulations/Economic liberty

Police, justice, 4th Amendment


Libertarianism, philosophy


Social Science

Higher Education

Founding Fathers/History/Philosophy

Interesting People



Quantum Physics



Scholarly Papers

4th Amendment law

9th, 14th Amendment law, unenumerated rights

Originalism broadly, judicial deference, legislative intent



Shoshana Weissmann
Shoshana Weissmann

Written by Shoshana Weissmann

Digital Director & Fellow @RSI: Occupational licensing reform, Section 230, social media regulation. Expert @FedSocRTP. Fellow @SlothInstitute. Hike 🏔 sew 👗

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